Oh, that skillet of golden, cheesy meatballs buried in a wondrously delicious tomato sauce? That’s just my portion. No big deal. Just don’t ask where the sous chef’s is… These meatballs are completely addicting. Oneeeee more won’t hurt [read: I’m in total denial. I was stuffed.]. But this one of those dishes that practically warms the…
Crispy Baked Buffalo Chicken Tenders
You guys, I have great news. Believe it or not, these baked buffalo chicken tenders are magical. The sous chef is a huge Pittsburgh Steelers fan – born and raised, through and through. And this past Sunday, the Steelers won the divisional round against Kansas City – and guess what we whipped up for a game day…
Ginger & Scallion Pot Stickers
One of my favorite things about dining out is trying a zillion different things. I fully appreciate having multiple courses, sharing tons of appetizers, and eating off of the sous chef’s plate (bless his patience). For me, it’s about the experience, and being able to taste the many different flavors and dishes – not just…
Lebanese-Style Beef Kofta with Tzatziki
If you’re asking yourself what on earth beef kofta is, stop yourself right there. Walk run to the grocery store immediately, round up the ingredients for these babies, because this beautifully seasoned beef dish (often made with lamb, but the sous chef doesn’t ‘do lamb’ – the word lamb isn’t even allowed in our humble…
Creamy Roasted Cauliflower Soup with Bacon and Thyme
My sweet, sweet friends, this cauliflower chowder is e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. This is seriously so healthy (pretty much because of the bacon, duh), and you wouldn’t even know it, because it’s just that yummy. I think I “taste-tested” half the pot of soup, which is totally okay and normal, so no guilt here (#yolo). And listen, if you…
Roasted Salsa with Jalapeno & Cilantro
There’s no hiding the fact that I have an adoration for condiments, and let’s be clear: salsa is no exception. I’d even go as far to say that tomato-based sauces and condiments top my list of favorites, a close third to bacon and wine. And maybe cheese. This is starting to seem like a pretty…
Smoky Shrimp Ceviche with Avocado
Good news, my friends. This recipe is totally doable for your 2017 New Year’s resolutions… to eat everything delicious under the sun – that’s your resolution, right? See, we’re best friends already, ’cause that’s mine, too, and we’re off to a pretty good start. But, if you’re totally into nonsensical resolutions to eat like, healthy…
Grilled Hearts of Romaine with Smoky Caesar Dressing
So cooking and baking are really based on trial and error, right? Luckily, for me (and really the sous chef), these grilled hearts of romaine with smoky caesar dressing were spot on delicious – which is exactly why I’m sharing the recipe with you. I wish I could always say my recipes turn out great – but…
Spicy Black Bean Soup with Avocado & Sour Cream
The sous chef and I are going to Mexico in February, so channeling my inner excitement to eat Mexican food and drink wine [Corona’s] on the beach for days, I thought I’d whip up a batch of spicy black bean soup. Okay, okay, in the back of my mind was I thinking Ohmygosh Mexico is only…
Creamy Tomato Soup with Bacon & Cheddar
If you’re questioning whether the sous chef and I are even eating solid foods anymore (between this, the pumpkin bisque, french onion soup, chicken chili, and wine, of course — wait, can you eat wine? I mean, if I could, I would, so we’ll leave that right there), the answer is… questionable. But it apparently…