Pierogies! It’s what’s for dinner! Maybe an appetizer would be more appropriate? Appropriate, shmappropriate. I’D EAT THESE BABIES FOR BREAKFAST. We can go ahead throw appropriateness out the window — right alongside any notion of traditional pierogies. Because listen, I don’t proclaim to be a pierogi aficionado by any stretch of the imagination [cough, sous chef,…
sweet onions
Goat Cheese Risotto with Caramelized Onions and Bacon
In the spirit of the season, I feel morally compelled to start out by saying what I’m thankful for: and let’s just say that stretchy pants is right at the top of my list. I’m also so relieved it’s seasonally appropriate to carb-load, because risotto has never been SO creamy and SO decadent [enter: the stretchy pants]….